Materiality process
Materiality process
The Klabin 2030 Agenda is inspired by the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals, the KSDGs. They comprise a set of short-term (2021), medium-term (2025) and long-term (2030) targets, which address the environmental, social and governance priorities of the Company and the stakeholders that impact and/or are impacted by its business. The materiality process (infographic below) was conducted in 2019, with subsequent review and analysis for each identified requirement.
This Agenda, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, outlines the essential ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects for the company and the global needs of society and the planet.
As of 2022, all of Klabin executives' individual targets now encompass a Sustainability Index. The index is a set of KSDG-related targets, chosen at the start of each year, based on the most pressing challenges for advancement during the period. The practice is compulsory for the Company's directors and managers and includes environmental, safety, diversity, and community relations indicators.
Materiality process
Pillars |
Material topics |
Building a renewable future |
Helping build a sustainable economy |
Prosperity for people |
Technology and innovation |
Evolution of the Klabin 2030 Agenda
100% of the priority municipalities with incentivized participative management by 2030.
30% female leaders by 2030, compared to the base year 2019.
90% of the employees in the diversity groups positively evaluating respect and equality in the working environment by 2030.
Renewable sources accounting for 92% of the energy matrix by 2030, compared to the base year 2019.
100% of certified electricity purchased from renewable sources by 2030, compared to the base year 2019.
Zero destination of industrial waste to landfills by 2030, compared to the base year 2019.
100% of locations where the Company operates with initiatives to increase water security by 2030.
To reduce specific consumption of industrial water by 20% by 2030, compared to the base year 2019.
To reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% per ton of pulp, paperboard and packaging by 2025.
To reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% per ton of pulp, paperboard and packaging by 2025.